Top 5 Supplements for Generation X

As Generation X settles into middle age, specific nutrient requirements should be considered in present day living.  Modern times have created unique health challenges which can be offset with these five supplemental health solutions.

In today’s society, Generation X is spending much of their time sitting and hardly enough time is spent outdoors.  Constantly interacting with a smart device is an added stress their parents did not have to juggle in their everyday lives.  Many are now taking care of aging parents while still working full time and caring for their children.  Add to that the on-the-go lifestyle including fast food, stress, and constant multi-tasking, it becomes clear that Gen Xers have a need for unique supplement strategy intervention.

1. Multivitamin

Of course!  The multivitamin is a great way to get lots of essential nutrients on a daily basis that the body may not otherwise receive.  According to a survey that asked about health and life expectancy, only 29% of Gen Xers say they are doing a good job at eating a healthy diet.  While it’s best to get our nutrients from a varied diet, the reality is that many feel they don’t have time to make it a priority, and simply eat on-the-go for convenience.  A good multivitamin can fill in the nutritional gaps from not getting the recommend five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

2. Antioxidants for Eye Health

Considering the number of hours Generation X spends staring at the screen of a computer, tablet or smartphone, their eyes are more strained than any generation before them.  Blue light from devices causes free radical damage, and over time, can lead to lasting damage to the eyes.  Key antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and copper support healthy vision and the integrity of the eye. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial involving 3,600 people indicates that these nutrients are critical to maintain the health of the retina and macula of the eye.  Also, Zeaxanthin and Lutein block blue light from reaching the retina, reducing the risk of oxidative damage that can lead to macular degeneration.

3. Omega-3 Fatty  Acids

With all of the stress of balancing daily life, poor eating habits and a pro-inflammatory lifestyle, Gen Xers can greatly benefit from Omega-3 supplementation.  Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, plus they protect against Alzheimer’s and heart disease.  Another great benefit of Omega-3 fats are their mood balancing effects, helping ease symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress.  An EPA/DHA mix is preferred, and be sure the manufacturer purifies the oil from any mercury or other contaminants.  Foods such as nuts, seeds, avocado, mackerel and salmon are rich in Omega-3 fats and are wholesome additions to the Gen X diet.

4. Probiotics

With the surge of antibiotic use and poor eating habits, probiotics are an essential supplement for Gen Xers.  Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in the gut that can be destroyed by antibiotics or a poor diet.  They can help reduce gas and bloating, ease abdominal discomfort associated with meals, and prepare the gut for optimal digestion.  Not only do probiotics aid in digestive health, they also promote a healthy immune system and balance mood.  Be sure the probiotic of choice has a variety of strains, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactis and Bifidobacterium bifidum.  Foods such as sauerkraut, miso, and tempeh have naturally occurring probiotics that Gen Xers can add to their diet for additional benefit.

5. Vitamin D

Many Gen Xers are vitamin D deficient, primarily due to lack of time spent in the sun and the abundant use of sunscreen.  Together, our skin and the sun help make vitamin D.  Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption, hormone production and many other functions in the body.  Low vitamin D levels can lead to depression, fatigue, frequent colds due to low immune function, digestive issues, as well as bone and muscle aches.  According to the Journal of Sleep Research, people who took vitamin D had a 16 percent lower risk of trouble getting a full night’s sleep.  While vitamin D supplementation is recommended for most Gen Xers, a simple blood test can determine vitamin D levels and if supplementation is needed.  Being fat soluble, vitamin D toxicity can occur, so be sure not to exceed the maximum recommended daily intake of 1,000 to 4,000 IU.
With these five supplements, Gen Xers will be on their way to optimal health and wellness in no time.  Even though life for this generation may be hectic, stressful, and the ultimate definition of multi-tasking, they have a lot of life to live. Gen Xers have plenty of time to incorporate preventative strategies such as these to live a healthier, more productive life.  We commend you Generation X, for your contributions to society, for your grit and determination, and for taking good care of everyone, including yourself!
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